post acne red scars


Our London Scar Clinic is based in the heart of Harley Street and offers a holistic approach to the diagnosing and treatment of a range of scars. Scars come in many different shapes and sizes. No two scars are the same.

While it may seem obvious that you have a scar, it’s important to have a dermatologist examine it before it’s treated.

Your age, how long you have had the scar as well as the type of scar would determine which treatment option would offer you the best result.

As a consultant dermatologist with over 20 years of experience treating a range of scars, Dr Injibar would be able to tell you:

  • What type(s) of scars do you have?
  • If a scar is likely to fade with time?
  • When to treat the scar to get the best results?
  • What treatment is recommended?




Nearly everyone gets at least one scar.

You may have gotten a scar from a burn, cut, or scrape. Many people see a scar after having surgery.

Some skin conditions can cause a scar. If you had chickenpox or severe acne, as a teenager, scars may have appeared as your skin cleared.



A scar forms on your skin when your body heals an injury. To get a scar, the wound has to go deep enough to injure the inner layers of your skin, the dermis.

When we injure the deeper layers of your skin, cells make collagen to repair the wound. Because your body makes this collagen quickly, it’s thicker and less flexible than the rest of your skin. The thicker, less flexible tissue is a scar.



When a scar forms on the skin, it will be one of the following 5 common types.

1. Raised scar (Medical name: Hypertrophic scar)

hypertrophic acne scars to be treated with steroid injections and lasers...


What it looks like: This scar rises above the surface of your skin, so you see a raised, firm scar. This type of scarring may take years to flatten out. It may feel itchy or painful. They can appear anywhere but are likely to form on the shoulder area and chest. Large hypertrophic scars can actually restrict movement and treatment can relieve these complications.

2. Depressed scar (Medical name: Atrophic scar)

What it looks like: These scars sit below the surface of your skin, giving the skin a sunken or pitted look. They are likely to be formed on the face. As you age and your skin relaxes and sags, sunken scars can become more prominent.

ice pick acne scaring


Depressed scars are so common after severe acne. Dermatologists divide these acne scars into these three types. This allows for different specialised treatments to give patients the optimal result.

  • Boxcar acne scars- broad, usually box-like depressions with sharply defined edges. They are caused by widespread acne, chickenpox, or varicella. They often form on areas like the lower cheeks and jaw, where the skin is relatively thick.
  • Ice pick acne scar– smaller, more narrow indentations that point down into the skin’s surface. These scars are common on the cheeks. They tend to be very tough to treat, and often require persistent, aggressive treatment.
  • Rolling acne scar- Have different depths with sloping edges that make skin appear wavy and uneven

3.    Keloid scars

keloid scarring


What it looks like: These scars are raised lumps of scar tissue above the skin. They are usually found on the jawline, back of the ears, chest, back and shoulders. Keloid scars create a scar larger than the injury or acne that caused them and grow beyond the sides of the original spot.

While flat and raised scars may eventually become less noticeable, keloids never go away without treatment.

4.    Contracture scar (Medical name: Contracture scar)

What it looks like: If you have been burned you may suffer from contracture scaring that may go deeper into the muscle and nerves. New skin will tend to be thicker and tighter which may cause difficulty in movement. Such scars are called contracture scars.

5.    Stretch marks (Medical name: Striae)

C section stretch marks


What it looks like:  Stretch marks look like lines or streaks across the skin. At the beginning, stretch marks can appear as red, dark brown or purple. Over time they lighten in colour to look more silver or white. They can sit lower than the surface of the skin or slightly raised. We typically get stretch marks when our skin grows or shrinks quickly, such as during pregnancy and rapid weight loss or gain.



Scars are complex. To treat you safely and effectively, it’s important for the scar dermatologist specialist treating you to know about your health and the type of scar you have.

It’s also important to have a dermatologist examine your scar because sometimes skin cancer can look like a scar. If you see a scar on your skin and don’t remember injuring your skin, immediately make an appointment to see a dermatologist. Dr Injibar specialises in medical, laser and cosmetic dermatology.

Different types of scars require different treatments. Your age and how long you’ve had the scar may also affect the types of treatment that will work best for you.

Below are some of the treatment options available at Dermasurge Clinic. Depending on the type of scar, as well as a thorough consultation, Dr Injibar will be able to advise you on the best treatment plan.


1. Raised scars (hypertrophic scars) treatment options:

  • Corticosteroid treatments
  • Laser therapy
  • Cryotherapy
  •  Surgery

2. Depressed (Atrophic scars) treatment options:

3. Keloid scars

  • Steroid injections
  • Laser therapy
  • Cryotherapy
  • Surgical removal

4. Contracture scar

  • Skin graft
  • Laser surgery
  • Excision

5. Stretch marks (Medical name: Striae)