What is Melasma?

Melasma is a skin condition that causes brown or grey patches to appear, usually on the face. Most commonly appearing on the cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin, melasma appears more often in women, particularly during pregnancy, earning it the nickname “the mask of pregnancy”. Those with darker skin tones are also more at risk of developing melasma. While the causes of melasma are unknown, it is most likely the result of overactive melanocytes, cells that create colour in the skin and can be triggered by factors such as sun exposure, hormonal changes, or skin care products.

Can Melasma Be Prevented?

While it’s not possible to fully prevent melasma, especially for those genetically predisposed or with certain skin types, there are effective measures to reduce the risk and manage its intensity. Avoiding peak sun hours (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) and consistently using sunscreens with high SPF are crucial steps. Additionally, being cautious with hormonal medications can also help. The cornerstone of any melasma management plan is stringent sun protection, which not only helps prevent flare-ups but also reduces recurrence post-treatment.

Treating Melasma: Approaches and Considerations

Understanding Treatment Limits

Melasma, while not curable, can be effectively managed with various treatments. It’s important to recognize that these treatments might only partially lighten the discolouration, and relapses are common. Being mindful of potential side effects like skin darkening or excessive lightening is crucial.

Common Treatment Methods

Topical medications are often the first line of defence against melasma. These include agents like hydroquinone, azelaic acid, and niacinamide, which work by reducing pigment production and inflammation. Pregnant women, a significant demographic among melasma patients, should use caution with these medications, with azelaic acid being a safer option during pregnancy.

Combination Therapy

For many, a multi-pronged approach yields the best results. This can involve combining hydroquinone with a retinoid and a steroid. For severe cases, oral medications like tranexamic acid, which tackles both pigment production and blood vessels in the skin, may be prescribed.

Advanced Procedures

Should topical or oral treatments prove insufficient, procedures like chemical peels (like Cosmelan Peel) and laser therapies might be recommended. These methods work by removing the superficial skin layers or destroying pigment cells, though they carry a risk of relapse.

Maintenance and Prevention

Post-treatment, maintaining the results is key. This involves continued sun protection and potentially using skin lighteners and retinoids. Intermittent use of hydroquinone may also be part of this maintenance phase. As with laser treatments and maintenance of chemical peel treatments with at-home care kits to maintain the results.

Each treatment and prevention strategy must be tailored to individual needs and overseen by a dermatologist to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Arrange a consultation today

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