Sclerotherapy – Leg Vein Removal2022-07-25T13:47:46+01:00

Achieving legs you’re proud to show off can be difficult, particularly when varicose or thread veins are present. Although very common, prominent veins can be unsightly, and have a negative impact on the confidence of those who suffer with them. Varicose veins are usually swollen, twisted, and at times cause lumps in the skin, lying just under the surface and taking on a dark blue or purple colour, making them difficult to conceal or cover. Whilst thread veins are smaller and less evident, they can still have a detrimental effect on the self esteem.

Patient Before and After Images

Sclerotherapy 2
Sclerotherapy 1
Sclerotherapy 3

What does the treatment do?

Varicose and thread veins occur when the valves that support the flow of blood back towards the heart cease to function correctly, causing the blood to flow the wrong way and causing swelling. Often hereditary, varicose and thread veins commonly occur due to hormonal changes, such as during puberty, menopause, or pregnancy, and can be worsened by obesity or long periods of standing. In some cases, the sufferer will feel discomfort and aching in the area.

Luckily, at Dermasurge, our founder, Dr Hiba Injibar, offers a highly effective treatment for varicose and thread veins. Often, patients find they are unable to receive medical treatment for varicose veins until further complications develop, and are left to deal with embarrassment over their appearance alone. At Dermasurge, we can help treat varicose and thread veins before such complications arise, helping you achieve smooth, blemish-free legs using sclerotherapy in London.

Sclerotherapy is an advanced treatment that helps eradicate visible veins, redirecting the blood through healthy, undamaged alternative routes. During the procedure, very fine needles are used to inject a liquid into the vein, causing it to collapse and become reabsorbed into the tissue and removed from the body via natural processes, fading varicose and thread veins within a month. This procedure should only be attempted by a skilled, competent and qualified practitioner such as Dr Hiba.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Sclerotherapy hurt?2020-01-17T08:02:46+00:00

Some patients may experience a slight ache whilst the injection occurs, though in most cases, there is no pain or discomfort at all.

Is there any downtime with Sclerotherapy?2020-01-17T08:03:35+00:00

Patients will be able, and are encouraged, to walk around very soon after the procedure, and remaining mobile during recovery is advisable, so there is little downtime associated. It is advised to keep pressure on the treatment area for around two weeks, for example, using bandages or compression stockings. Patients may feel sore for a few days post-procedure.

How long does Sclerotherapy take?2020-01-17T08:04:19+00:00

The procedure itself takes around 40 minutes, with patients able to return to their daily life immediately, though results won’t be evident for around a month.

Patient Reviews

“Dr Hiba is fantastic, right from my first consultation she put me at ease and was helpful when suggesting treatment for my skin concerns. The results are amazing and I would highly recommend!”
Claire Fielding
“I got the results which were promised. Dr Hiba is very professional and knowledgeable.”
Rach Agar, Your Content Goes Here

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